Where is BrainStorm Network located?

BrainStorm Network is centrally located in Norman, Oklahoma, USA.  Depending on our clients’ needs, we travel all over the world.  We also work with a network of other professional facilitators, consultants, trainers, and speakers (primarily within the USA) that allows a broad coverage of services.

How much do your services cost?

See our Pricing section.

Did John change his last name to Storm to fit the BrainStorm Network business?

Nope.  John’s parents get all the credit for already having the “Storm” name.  Interestingly, there is research indicating that some people actually find themselves living out their names.  And if brainstorming doesn’t work out, there’s always the weather business.

What is CyberStorming?

www.CyberStorming.com is our innovation resources portal.  It is a subscription-based website that houses many of our brainstorming tools and innovation resources.  It is primarily designed for companies to offer to their employees as way to enhance daily innovation. For more information, contact us.

If you have a specific question you’d like to submit, please contact us.